Find my art in the wild!

We're interested in consigning! Send us an email at with your business's name, location, socials, website, and artist/shop split information, and we'll get back to you ASAP.

Secret Room

Find ceramics, stickers, and zines by Bus 20, and tons of awesome print materials by other artists.

3225 SE Division Street
in Portland, Oregon!

Wed-Sat 10-7
Sun 12-6

Find their website here!

Sonny's House of Tattoos and Treasures

Browse an amazing selection of books, prints, handmade goods, art, gifts, washi tape--you name it! As well as Bus 20's prints and stickers.

2504 NE Sandy Blvd
Portland, OR

Thurs-Fri 12 - 5pm
Sat-Sun 10am - 5pm
Mon-Wed closed

Check out their site here!